I have a new goal for 2015, and that is to write at least one “Quick Tip” per week about Chef. I’ve added the category “quicktips” to make these easier to find.

In this quick tip, I want to talk about a new feature of Chef 12. The new feature is the ability to remove an attribute from all levels (default, normal, override) on a node so it doesn’t get saved back to the Chef Server. This was brought up in Chef RFC 23. The reason I don’t want to save the attribute in question back to the server is that it is a secret that I have in a Chef Vault item.

I’m using Datadog for my home systems, and the wonderful folks at Datadog have a cookbook to set it up. The documentation requires that you set two attributes to authenticate, the API key, and the application key:

node.default['datadog']['api_key'] = 'Secrets In Plain Text Attributes??'
node.default['datadog']['application_key'] = 'It is probably fine.'

I prefer to use chef-vault because I think it’s the best way to manage shared secrets in Chef recipes. I still need to set the attributes for Datadog’s recipe to work, however. In order to accomplish the goal here, I will use a custom cookbook, housepub-datadog. It has one recipe that looks like this:

include_recipe 'chef-vault'

node.default['datadog']['api_key'] = chef_vault_item(:secrets, 'datadog')['data']['api_key']
node.default['datadog']['application_key'] = chef_vault_item(:secrets, 'datadog')['data']['chef']

include_recipe 'datadog::dd-agent'

ruby_block 'smash-datadog-auth-attributes' do
  block do
    node.rm('datadog', 'api_key')
    node.rm('datadog', 'application_key')
  subscribes :create, 'template[/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf]', :immediately

Let’s take a closer look at the recipe.

include_recipe 'chef-vault'

Here, the chef-vault recipe is included to ensure everything works, and I have a dependency on chef-vault in my cookbook’s metadata. Next, we see the attributes set:

node.default['datadog']['api_key'] = chef_vault_item(:secrets, 'datadog')['data']['api_key']
node.default['datadog']['application_key'] = chef_vault_item(:secrets, 'datadog')['data']['chef']

The secrets/datadog item looks like this in plaintext:

  "id": "datadog",
  "data": {
    "api_key": "My datadog API key",
    "chef": "Application key for the 'chef' application"

When Chef runs, it will load the vault-encrypted data bag item, and populate the attributes that will be used in the template. This template comes from the datadog::dd-agent recipe, which is included next. The template from that recipe looks like this:

template '/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf' do
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode 0644
    :api_key => node['datadog']['api_key'],
    :dd_url => node['datadog']['url']

Now, for the grand finale of this post, I delete the attributes that were set using a ruby_block resource. The timing here is important, because these attributes must be deleted after Chef has converged the template. This does get updated every run, because the ruby block is not convergent, and this is okay because the attributes are updated every run, too. I could write additional logic to make this convergent, but I’m okay with the behavior. The subscribes ensures that as soon as the template is written, the node object is updated to remove the attributes. Otherwise, this happens next after the dd-agent recipe.

ruby_block 'smash-datadog-auth-attributes' do
  block do
    node.rm('datadog', 'api_key')
    node.rm('datadog', 'application_key')
  subscribes :create, 'template[/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf]', :immediately

Let’s see this in action:

managed-node$ chef-client
Recipe: housepub-datadog::default
  * ruby_block[smash-datadog-auth-attributes] action run
    - execute the ruby block smash-datadog-auth-attributes
workstation% knife node show managed-node -a datadog.api_key -a datadog.application_key

Bonus quick tip! knife node show can take the -a option multiple times to display more attributes. I just discovered this in writing this post, and I don’t know when it was added. For sure in Chef 12.0.3, so you should just upgrade anyway ;).

Update This feature was added by Awesome Chef Ranjib Dey.