DISCLAIMER Test Kitchen 1.0 is still in alpha at the time of this post.

Update We’re no longer required to use bundler, and in fact recommend installing the required RubyGems in your globalRuby environment (#3 below).

Update The log output from the various kitchen commands is not updated with the latest and greatest. Play along at home, it’ll be okay :-).

This is a continuation from part 1

In order to run the tests then, we need a few things on our machine:

  1. VirtualBox and Vagrant (1.1+)
  2. A compiler toolchain with XML/XSLT development headers (for building Gem dependencies)
  3. A sane, working Ruby environment (Ruby 1.9.3 or greater)
  4. Git

It is outside the scope of this post to cover how to get all those installed.

Once those are installed:

% vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
% gem install berkshelf
% gem install test-kitchen --pre
% gem install kitchen-vagrant

Test Kitchen combines the suite (default) with the platform names (e.g., ubuntu-12.04). To run all the suites on all platforms, simply do:

% kitchen test

This will take awhile, especially if you don’t already have the Vagrant boxes on your system, as it will download each one. To make this faster, we’ll just run Ubuntu 12.04:

% kitchen test default.*1204

Test Kitchen 1.0 can take a regular expression for the instances to test. This will match the box default-ubuntu-12.04. I could also just say 12 as that will match the single entry in my kitchen list (above).

It will take a few minutes to run Test Kitchen. Those familiar with Chef know that if it encounters an unhandled exception, it exits with a non-zero return code. This is important, because we know at the end of a successful run, Chef did the right thing, assuming our recipe is the right thing :-).

To recap the previous post, we have a run list like this:

["recipe[apt]", "recipe[minitest-handler]", "recipe[bluepill_test]"]

Let’s break down the output of our successful run. I’ll show the output first, and explain it after:

Starting Kitchen
Cleaning up any prior instances of <default-ubuntu-1204>
Destroying <default-ubuntu-1204>
Finished destroying <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m0.00s).
Testing <default-ubuntu-1204>
Creating <default-ubuntu-1204>

This is basic setup to ensure that “The Kitchen” is clean beforehand and we don’t have existing state interfering with the run.

[vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant up default-ubuntu-1204 --no-provision)
[default-ubuntu-1204] Importing base box 'canonical-ubuntu-12.04'...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Forwarding ports...
[default-ubuntu-1204] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)

This will look familiar to Vagrant users, we’re just getting some basic setup from Vagrant initializing the box defined in the .kitchen.yml (passed to the Vagrantfile by the kitchen-vagrant plugin). This step does a vagrant up --no-provision.

[Berkshelf] installing cookbooks...
[Berkshelf] Using bluepill (2.2.2) at path: '/Users/jtimberman/Development/opscode/cookbooks/bluepill'
[Berkshelf] Using apt (1.8.4)
[Berkshelf] Using yum (2.0.0)
[Berkshelf] Using minitest-handler (0.1.2)
[Berkshelf] Using bluepill_test (0.0.1) at path: './test/cookbooks/bluepill_test'
[Berkshelf] Using rsyslog (1.5.0)
[Berkshelf] Using chef_handler (1.1.0)

Remember from the previous post that we’re using Berkshelf? This is the integration with Vagrant that ensures that the cookbooks are available. The first four, apt, yum, minitest-handler and bluepill_test are defined in the Berksfile. The next, rsyslog is a dependency of the bluepill cookbook (for rsyslog integration), and the last, chef_handler is a dependency of minitest-handler. Berkshelf extracts the dependencies from the cookbook metadata of each cookbook defined in the Berksfile.

[default-ubuntu-1204] Creating shared folders metadata...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Running any VM customizations...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Booting VM...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[default-ubuntu-1204] VM booted and ready for use!
[default-ubuntu-1204] Setting host name...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Mounting shared folders...
[default-ubuntu-1204] -- v-root: /vagrant
[default-ubuntu-1204] -- v-csc-1: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks
[vagrant command] END (0m48.76s)
Vagrant instance <default-ubuntu-1204> created.
Finished creating <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m53.12s).

Again, this is familiar output to Vagrant users, where Vagrant is making the cookbooks available to the instance.

Converging <default-ubuntu-1204>
[vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant ssh default-ubuntu-1204 --command 'should_update_chef() {\n...')
Installing Chef Omnibus (11.4.0)
Downloading Chef 11.4.0 for ubuntu...
Installing Chef 11.4.0
Selecting previously unselected package chef.
g database ...        60513 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking chef (from .../chef_11.4.0_amd64.deb) ...
Setting up chef (11.4.0-1.ubuntu.11.04) ...
Thank you for installing Chef!
[vagrant command] END (0m34.85s)
[vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant provision default-ubuntu-1204)
[Berkshelf] installing cookbooks...
[Berkshelf] Using bluepill (2.2.2) at path: '/Users/jtimberman/Development/opscode/cookbooks/bluepill'
[Berkshelf] Using apt (1.8.4)
[Berkshelf] Using yum (2.0.0)
[Berkshelf] Using minitest-handler (0.1.2)
[Berkshelf] Using bluepill_test (0.0.1) at path: './test/cookbooks/bluepill_test'
[Berkshelf] Using rsyslog (1.5.0)
[Berkshelf] Using chef_handler (1.1.0)

This part is interesting, in that we’re going to install the Full Stack Chef (Omnibus) package. This means it doesn’t matter what the underlying base box has installed, we get the right version of Chef. This is defined in the .kitchen.yml. This is done through vagrant ssh (second line). Then, Test Kitchen does vagrant provision. The provisioning step is where Berkshelf happens, so we do see this happen again (perhaps a bug?).

[default-ubuntu-1204] Running provisioner: Vagrant::Provisioners::ChefSolo...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Generating chef JSON and uploading...
[default-ubuntu-1204] Running chef-solo...
INFO: *** Chef 11.4.0 ***
INFO: Setting the run_list to ["recipe[apt]", "recipe[minitest-handler]", "recipe[bluepill_test]"] from JSON
INFO: Run List is [recipe[apt], recipe[minitest-handler], recipe[bluepill_test]]
INFO: Run List expands to [apt, minitest-handler, bluepill_test]
INFO: Starting Chef Run for default-ubuntu-1204.vagrantup.com

This is the start of the actual Chef run, using Chef Solo by Vagrant’s provisioner. Note that we have our suite’s run list. I’m going to skip a lot of the Chef output because it isn’t required. Note that a few resources in the minitest–handler will report as failed, but they can be ignored because it means that those tests were simply not implemented.

INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test] action create (minitest-handler::default line 50)
INFO: directory[/var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test] created directory /var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test
INFO: Processing cookbook_file[tests-bluepill_test-default] action create (minitest-handler::default line 53)
INFO: cookbook_file[tests-bluepill_test-default] created file /var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/default_test.rb
INFO: Processing remote_directory[tests-support-bluepill_test-default] action create (minitest-handler::default line 60)
INFO: remote_directory[tests-support-bluepill_test-default] created directory /var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/support
INFO: Processing cookbook_file[/var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/support/helpers.rb] action create (dynamically defined)
INFO: cookbook_file[/var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/support/helpers.rb] mode changed to 644
INFO: cookbook_file[/var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/support/helpers.rb] created file /var/chef/minitest/bluepill_test/support/helpers.rb

These are the relevant parts of the minitest-handler recipe, where it has copied the tests from the bluepill_test cookbook into place.

INFO: Processing gem_package[i18n] action install (bluepill::default line 20)
INFO: Processing gem_package[bluepill] action install (bluepill::default line 24)
INFO: Processing directory[/etc/bluepill] action create (bluepill::default line 34)
INFO: directory[/etc/bluepill] created directory /etc/bluepill
INFO: directory[/etc/bluepill] owner changed to 0
INFO: directory[/etc/bluepill] group changed to 0
INFO: Processing directory[/var/run/bluepill] action create (bluepill::default line 34)
INFO: directory[/var/run/bluepill] created directory /var/run/bluepill
INFO: directory[/var/run/bluepill] owner changed to 0
INFO: directory[/var/run/bluepill] group changed to 0
INFO: Processing directory[/var/lib/bluepill] action create (bluepill::default line 34)
INFO: directory[/var/lib/bluepill] created directory /var/lib/bluepill
INFO: directory[/var/lib/bluepill] owner changed to 0
INFO: directory[/var/lib/bluepill] group changed to 0
INFO: Processing file[/var/log/bluepill.log] action create_if_missing (bluepill::default line 41)
INFO: entered create
INFO: file[/var/log/bluepill.log] owner changed to 0
INFO: file[/var/log/bluepill.log] group changed to 0
INFO: file[/var/log/bluepill.log] mode changed to 755
INFO: file[/var/log/bluepill.log] created file /var/log/bluepill.log

Recall from the previous post that the bluepill_test recipe includes the bluepill recipe. This is the basic setup of bluepill.

INFO: Processing package[nc] action install (bluepill_test::default line 4)
INFO: Processing template[/etc/bluepill/test_app.pill] action create (bluepill_test::default line 16)
INFO: template[/etc/bluepill/test_app.pill] updated content
INFO: Processing bluepill_service[test_app] action enable (bluepill_test::default line 18)
INFO: Processing bluepill_service[test_app] action load (bluepill_test::default line 18)
INFO: Processing bluepill_service[test_app] action start (bluepill_test::default line 18)
INFO: Processing link[/etc/init.d/test_app] action create (/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/bluepill/providers/service.rb line 30)
INFO: link[/etc/init.d/test_app] created
INFO: Chef Run complete in 81.099185824 seconds

And this is the rest of the bluepill_test recipe. It sets up a test service that will basically be a netcat process listening on a port. Let’s take a moment here and discuss what we have.

First, we have successfully converged the default recipe in the bluepill cookbook via its inclusion in bluepill_test. This is awesome, because we know the recipe works exactly as we defined it, since Chef resources are declarative, and Chef exits if there’s a problem.

Second, we have successfully setup a service managed by bluepill itself using the LWRP included in the bluepill cookbook, bluepill_service. This means we know that the underlying provider configured all the resources correctly.

At this point, we could say “Ship it!” and release the cookbook, knowing it will do what we require. However, this may be disingenuous because we don’t know if the behavior of the system after all this runs is actually correct. Therefore we look to the next segment of output from Chef, from minitest:

INFO: Running report handlers
Run options: -v --seed 38794
\# Running tests:
recipe::bluepill_test::default#test_0001_the_default_log_file_must_exist_cook_1295_ =
0.00 s = .
recipe::bluepill_test::default::create a bluepill configuration file#test_0001_anonymous =
0.00 s = .
recipe::bluepill_test::default::create a bluepill configuration file#test_0002_must_be_valid_ruby =
0.06 s = .
recipe::bluepill_test::default::runs the application as a service#test_0001_anonymous =
0.72 s = .
recipe::bluepill_test::default::runs the application as a service#test_0002_anonymous =
0.71 s = .
recipe::bluepill_test::default::spawn a netcat tcp client repeatedly#test_0001_should_receive_a_tcp_connection_from_netcat =
2.24 s = .
Finished tests in 3.746002s, 1.6017 tests/s, 1.8687 assertions/s.
6 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

This is performed by the minitest-handler, which runs the tests copied from the bluepill_test cookbook before. It’s outside the scope of this post to describe how to write minitest-chef tests, but we can talk about the output.

We have 6 separate tests that perform 7 assertions, and they all passed. The tests are asserting:

  1. The log file is created, and by the full name of the test, this is to check for a regression from COOK-1295.
  2. The .pill config file for the service must exist and be valid Ruby.
  3. The bluepill service must actually be enabled and running, thereby testing that those actions in the LWRP work.
  4. The running service, which listens on a TCP port, must be up and available, thereby testing that bluepill started the service correctly.
[vagrant command] END (1m29.24s)
Finished converging <default-ubuntu-1204> (2m15.45s).
Setting up <default-ubuntu-1204>
Finished setting up <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m0.00s).
Verifying <default-ubuntu-1204>
Finished verifying <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m0.00s).
Destroying <default-ubuntu-1204>
[vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant destroy default-ubuntu-1204 -f)
[default-ubuntu-1204] Forcing shutdown of VM...
[Berkshelf] cleaning Vagrant's shelf
[default-ubuntu-1204] Destroying VM and associated drives...
[vagrant command] END (0m3.68s)
Vagrant instance <default-ubuntu-1204> destroyed.
Finished destroying <default-ubuntu-1204> (0m4.04s).
Finished testing <default-ubuntu-1204> (3m12.62s).
Kitchen is finished. (3m12.62s)

This output shows Test Kitchen cleaning up after itself. We destroy the Vagrant instance on a successful convergence and test run in Chef, because further investigation is not required. If the test failed for some reason, Test Kitchen leaves it running so you can log into the machine and poke around to find out what went wrong. Then simply correct the required part of the cookbook (recipes, tests, etc) and rerun Test Kitchen. For example:

% bundle exec kitchen login 1204
vagrant@ubuntu-1204$ ... run some commands
vagrant@ubuntu-1204$ ^D
% bundle exec kitchen converge 1204

My goal with these posts is to get some information out for folks to consider when examining Test Kitchen 1.0 alpha for their own projects. There’s a lot more to Test Kitchen, such as managing non-cookbook projects, or even using other kinds of tests. We’ll have more documentation and guides as we get the 1.0 release out.
